Symphony in Blue Read online

Page 5

  Dana laughed and shook her head. “I’m so sorry.”

  “Say, ‘Would. You. Like. To. Dance. With. Me?’” Regan enunciated slowly, as if speaking to a total idiot.

  Gwen chuckled and, knowing that Regan was not going give up until she got her way, held out her right hand and asked, “Would you like to dance with me?”

  “See, Ryan!” Regan cried exasperatedly. “That’s how you do it!”

  Dana flipped Regan off as she asked, “You’re sure?” When Gwen nodded, she smiled and took her hand. “I’d love to.”

  “Jesus fucking Christ on a cracker, finally,” Regan muttered. “She’s hopeless.”

  Brooke laughed and shook her head. “She’s not hopeless,” she said, smiling fondly at Dana as the up-tempo song ended and a slower one began to play. “She’s just Dana,” she added as she pulled Regan into a spin and steered her toward the other side of the dance floor.


  An hour and a half and another round of shots Regan had not allowed them to refuse later, the dance floor around them had thinned considerably, and Gwen had long since passed the point of being pleasantly buzzed. Even if she were sober, she would not have been able to recall the last time she had been this completely drunk, but she was beyond the point of caring. For the first time in what felt like forever, she was lost completely in the moment, and the fogginess in her head and the warmth in her skin was exhilarating. There were no thoughts beyond the present clouding her mind, no worries to dampen the felicity singing in her veins as she allowed the strong hands wrapped around her hips to guide her every movement.

  Contrary to Regan’s teasing, Dana moved like a dream on the dance floor. The endearing shyness she had shown earlier had been gradually replaced with a quiet confidence that Gwen found utterly captivating. There was no arrogance in the way she carried herself, no hubris in the smile curling her lips that seemed to grow impossibly wider after every song, just an unmistakable air of competency and poise that made her every move seem magical.

  “How’re you feeling?” Dana asked, her eyes twinkling with amusement as she leaned her forehead against Gwen’s. The music had quieted in deference to the late hour, and it was finally possible to have a conversation at a more intimate volume.

  “Drunk.” Gwen smiled and looped her arms around Dana’s neck as she allowed herself to be pulled closer as the opening notes of Norah Jone’s Come Away With Me began to play. The soft piano and tish of the drum brush were the perfect accompaniment to the pleasant hum that radiated inside her, making her eyelids feel slightly heavy, like she was floating along in a dream.

  Dana’s hold shifted, strong fingers pressing into the small of Gwen’s back. “Me too,” she admitted with a small laugh. Her thumbs stroked lightly over Gwen’s sides as she added softly, “I’m really glad you came out here tonight.”

  Gwen closed her eyes as her stomach flipped at the gentle honesty in Dana’s voice. “Me too,” she breathed. The hand on her left side drifted up her back as they swayed lightly to the music, tracing the edge of her spine and sending a waterfall of chills tumbling down it, and she blinked her eyes open when Dana’s touch danced along the side of her throat. There was no mistaking the naked desire darkening Dana’s gaze, and Gwen sucked in a sharp breath as she felt herself clench needfully in response to it.

  Her chin seemed to lift of its own volition, guiding her lips toward Dana’s, and it felt like the floor beneath her feet tilted the moment they touched, pitching her forward into Dana’s arms. She moaned softy into the kiss as Dana’s hand wrapped around her jaw, strong fingers holding her gently in place as their lips parted and their tongues began to swirl together. Dana tasted like tequila and escape, and Gwen’s head spun as she was swept away by the heady feeling of reckless abandon that set her stomach alight with butterflies and her heart racing, her mind going blissfully blank as her instincts took over.

  Their kisses became slower, hotter, deeper as they stopped swaying to the music and instead poured everything they had into each kiss. Gwen’s entire body felt as if it were thrumming with electricity as Dana’s hands began to roam over her sides, and she could not contain the whimper that escaped her when Dana’s fingertips barely skimmed the sides of her breasts, causing her nipples to tighten to stiff points and desire to crash wetly between her thighs. She moaned and arched into Dana, trying to force her hands where she so desperately needed them, too lost to the passion pounding in her veins to worry about the fact that they were in a very public place or that this was most certainly not something she would normally do, and gasped when Dana’s hold shifted by a fraction so her thumbs lightly grazed her nipples.

  “Gwen,” Dana rasped between kisses as she traced the perimeter of the tight points with her thumbs.

  Gwen groaned as she fused their lips together once more, pressing herself into Dana’s hands, completely oblivious to the show they were putting on. A raw, primal need to touch and to be touched set her body aflame, amplifying every brush of Dana’s tongue and every squeeze of her hands until she was trembling with desire.

  “God,” Dana whispered, her voice a delicious husky purr as she nuzzled Gwen’s cheek. “I want—”

  “JESUS FUCK YOU TWO, GET A ROOM ALREADY!” Regan’s laughing voice interrupted her.

  Dana’s gaze was smoldering when Gwen opened her eyes, and the question they contained was unmistakable: Do you want to?

  Gwen was not a reckless woman. Her life was very much scripted like notes on a page, her responsibilities clearly defined and lined up in a way that made sense, providing her with a sense of security. She knew what she was supposed to do and what was expected of her at all times, and she liked it that way.

  But whether it was the alcohol in her system or the way Dana was looking at her or something else, she did not want to follow those notes, those steps that defined her life.

  From their meeting the night before in the elevator to their walk on the beach that morning, to brunch and then dancing, everything between her and Dana seemed to be an inevitable twist of Fate—like they were meant to be here, now, together. It was as if something greater than themselves had aligned their lives in a way to allow her this one freeing moment of thoughtlessness. This one chance to ignore the notes on the staff and make things up as she went along.

  Gwen was not a reckless woman.

  Except, in this moment, she was.

  She nodded as she captured Dana’s lips in a deep, probing kiss, and sighed into her mouth as the arms around her waist tightened, lifting her up onto her toes as her kiss was returned with such unmistakable hunger that her eyes rolled back in her head. Dana’s smile when they broke apart was so pure and unguarded that Gwen could not help but mirror it as she allowed herself to be guided toward the edge of the dance floor.

  A shrill wolf-whistle rent the air as they passed the torches illuminating the perimeter of the reception, followed by Regan’s triumphant cry of, “WOO! GET IT, GIRLS!”

  “Classy, Waterman,” Dana muttered.

  Gwen smiled and turned toward her, using their joined hands as a fulcrum to spin Dana into her arms, swallowing Dana’s small laugh of surprise with a kiss that was a fervent clash of lips and teeth and tongues. The walk back to the hotel took three times as long as it should have because they could not keep from touching and kissing, but neither of them seemed to mind as they stumbled through the lobby and into the same elevator where they had first met.

  “Mine?” Dana asked, even as she drove her thumb into the button for the tenth floor.

  “I honestly don’t care,” Gwen murmured as she reached for Dana, looping her arms around her neck and pulling her back into another bruising kiss. She groaned as Dana turned them so that her back was pressed against the wall of the elevator, the cool metal paneling against her back a stark contrast to the warm body holding her against it. She held on for dear life as Dana’s hands once again began to roam over her body as they kissed, gliding over her breasts and sides and ass in languid exploratio
n, squeezing, touching, teasing. Gwen’s breath caught in her throat when Dana lifted her left leg and pressed more tightly against her. The pressure of the toned thigh against her throbbing clit was delicious, and she rocked against it as Dana’s hands wrapped around her ass and pulled her even closer.

  They groaned in unison when the elevator stopped at their destination and they were forced apart once more. Gwen could not help but stare at Dana as she took her hand and led the way down the hall to her room. A stunning blush of arousal tinted Dana’s cheeks, and the darkness in her eyes and the smile that curled her kiss-swollen lips when she glanced over at Gwen sent a delicious flutter through her chest. Never in her life had she seen anything so beautiful. Gwen licked her lips as she watched Dana fish a keycard from her pocket and tap it to the electronic lock on the door. The click of the lock disengaging was like a shot from a starter’s gun, and they tumbled through the door together, their lips connecting in another deep, passionate kiss before they had even fully crossed the threshold.

  “Want you,” Dana murmured as she pinned Gwen to the wall just inside the door. She wasted no time reaching behind Gwen to find the zipper of her dress. It opened silently as she tugged the tab lower, and she paused for a moment to deftly unhook Gwen’s bra so that when she was able to slip the dress from her shoulders, Gwen was left wearing nothing but her panties. “God, you’re beautiful,” she breathed as her eyes swept over Gwen’s body.

  “You are,” Gwen protested just as Dana’s mouth slanted over her own. The buttons on Dana’s shirt were too small and the thread holding them in place too tight for her to easily open them, and she huffed in annoyance as she gave up and just slipped her fingers between the flaps and tugged, sending the buttons flying.

  “You know, I actually liked that shirt,” Dana chuckled against Gwen’s lips.

  “Send me a bill,” Gwen retorted as she shoved the shirt down Dana’s arms. She ran her hands over the defined lines of Dana’s abdomen, tracing her way up to the smooth satin covering her breasts. A low moan tumbled from her lips at the feeling of Dana’s nipples raking against her palms, so hard, so tight, and she grunted with frustration when she reached behind her and felt only smooth fabric—no clasp.

  “Front,” Dana whispered helpfully as she wrapped a hand around the back of Gwen’s neck and brought their lips together again.

  There was no mistaking the shiver that rolled through Dana when Gwen flicked open the clasp of her bra, and she smiled against her lips as she pushed it off her shoulders. Gwen dragged her fingers back up along the length of Dana’s arms, tracing the curve of her forearms and the bend of her elbows, the swell of her biceps and over her shoulders, across the plane of her chest and down, slowly, so slowly, to finally take Dana’s breasts into her hands. A low hum tickled the back of her throat as she lifted and squeezed the small, supple mounds, loving the way Dana submitted to her touch.

  It did not last for long, however, and Gwen gasped when Dana’s lips broke away from her own to begin trailing hot, wet kisses over her cheek to her ear. She groaned at the feeling of soft lips sucking her earlobe between dull teeth, nipping lightly before moving onward, and turned her head to the side as Dana’s mouth traveled over the hinge of her jaw to her throat. Her stomach fluttered in anticipation as a nimble tongue flicked over her pulse point, and her hands found their way to Dana’s hair as she played at her neck, licking and sucking, raking her teeth over the pulse that was pounding desperately just beneath the surface of her skin. She trembled at the feeling of Dana’s hands sliding heavily down her sides, cupping her ribs, her waist, her hips, her ass, pulling her forward, holding her tightly as the passion that had sparked between them on the dance floor grew into an uncontrollable blaze.

  “Oh, god,” Gwen whimpered when Dana’s left hand curled around the back of her thigh to guide it up over her hip. She squeezed her eyes shut when Dana pressed in tighter, her hips rolling in a slow grind, her upper thigh delivering the most exquisite pressure where she so desperately needed it. Gwen looped her arms around Dana’s neck as her lips reversed course, up over her jaw and back to her lips. She lifted her chin, her lips parted expectantly as she waited for the kiss that she knew lay just beyond the hot, ragged breaths crashing against her lips, and whimpered with relief when Dana’s mouth finally slanted over her own, their tongues sliding sensuously together as the hand that had been holding her leg aloft began to creep higher, fingertips tickling a sensitive inner thigh before ghosting lightly over the sodden fabric that separated them.

  “Fuck, you’re so wet,” Dana murmured as she teased Gwen through her panties.

  Gwen bucked against the fingers circling her clit, and groaned when they disappeared. She tightened her hold on Dana’s neck as her underwear was tugged almost desperately over her hips, and the rush of cool air against her skin when she kicked them aside was replaced almost instantly by the hot press of Dana’s body and the feeling of gentle fingers gliding through her. She lifted her right leg and hooked her heel around the back of Dana’s thigh, wantonly opening herself to the other woman’s touch, and there was no containing the cry of pleasure that escaped her when those long, teasing fingers finally pushed inside her.

  “You feel so good,” Dana breathed as she pulled out slowly, curling her fingers in a way that sent stars shooting across the backs of Gwen’s eyelids. She paused for a moment when just the very tips of her fingers were left inside Gwen, and then moaned as she drove herself forward, burying herself inside Gwen as she crashed their lips together.

  Gwen clung to Dana’s shoulders as they traded wet, sloppy kisses, her body arching to meet each of Dana’s thrusts, her hips rolling forward, searching for more pressure, more contact, more everything. Her toes curled against the cool tile beneath her feet as she struggled to remain upright as Dana’s left arm wrapped around her waist as she took her harder and faster, long fingers pistoning at an frenetic pace, pushing, pulling, curling, rubbing, taking everything Gwen had to offer and giving her immeasurable amounts of pleasure in return. She held on tighter as she felt herself begin to crest, her head hitting the wall with a light thud as she gasped for breath, her eyes squeezed shut as the sound of her own ragged breathing and plaintive cries drove her closer and closer to that euphoric edge. She dug her fingers into Dana’s shoulders as heat flooded her belly and thighs, her breath coming harder and faster as she writhed against her, blindly seeking release.

  “Come for me,” Dana encouraged huskily, grinding the heel of her palm against Gwen’s clit.

  “Oh god,” Gwen panted, her hips rolling desperately against Dana’s hand. “Don’t stop…don’t stop…”

  “Fuck, Gwen,” Dana groaned as she pulled out and used her hips to drive her next thrust forward even harder, the heel of her hand slapping roughly against Gwen’s clit. “Come on…”

  And that was all it took.

  Gwen cried out loudly as she came undone, the force of her climax so strong that, were it not for the strong arm around her waist, she surely would have crumpled to the floor. Dana’s thrusts gentled as she rode the waves of ecstasy that rolled through her, and when she finally slumped in her embrace, utterly spent, Dana pulled out carefully and lifted her easily into her arms.

  They traded slow, deep kisses as Dana carried her over to the bed and laid her down on it, and Gwen moaned into Dana’s mouth when she stretched out over her. She ran her hands up and down Dana’s muscled back as they kissed, tracing the line of her spine down to the waistband of her slacks that she was still wearing.

  Those definitely needed to go.

  But before Gwen could begin removing them, Dana was shifting away, lifting herself up onto her left forearm as her right hand trailed down Gwen’s body and back between her legs.

  “Want you again,” Dana rasped as she rubbed light circles over Gwen’s clit.

  It was almost unnerving how powerfully her body responded to Dana’s touch, and Gwen groaned as she felt Dana’s hand drop lower, probing lightly before easing inside,
her stroke gentle, mindful of the fact that Gwen had not yet had time to fully recover.

  “Okay?” Dana asked as she pushed herself up onto her left hand so that she hovered over Gwen, the defined lines of her sculpted body cast in an ethereal light by the light of the moon pouring through the open balcony door.

  “So good,” Gwen murmured as she took Dana’s breasts into her hands. She pinched her nipples and dragged her heels along the back of Dana’s thighs as she lifted her hips to meet her next thrust, and bit her lip as she watched the way Dana’s shoulder and abs flexed with the movement. She’s a goddess…

  Dana smiled as she used her hips to press her hand tighter between Gwen’s legs. She tilted her head to the side to keep the hair that had fallen over her forehead from her eyes as she slowly withdrew, the back of her wrist flush against her fly, to tease Gwen with light, feinting thrusts. Her eyes never left Gwen’s face as she drove herself forward, the flat of her hand just barely brushing between Gwen’s legs before she pulled back, and she swallowed thickly when Gwen’s knees hooked around her sides, opening herself completely to her touch.

  It didn’t take them long to find their rhythm again, the air between them filled with soft grunts and the wet sounds of fucking, and it took even less time for Gwen to feel the first stirrings of release beginning to build low in her hips. “No…”

  “Yes,” Dana encouraged, driving her hips forward just a little bit harder. “That’s it.”

  Gwen groaned as her hands dropped from Dana’s breasts to tangle in the sheets at her sides, desperate for some kind of anchor as the fast, steady rhythm of Dana’s stroke sent sparks of electricity through her body. She fisted the sheets as Dana shifted above her, the hand that had been just below her armpit moving to above her shoulder, dropping lower so their nipples brushed against each other on every thrust. She grit her teeth to try and stay her release, to perhaps try and buy herself a few more moments of white-knuckled euphoria, but three strokes later she flew over the edge, a strangled moan spilling from her lips as she tumbled into orgasm once more.